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A few examples of cubic minimal surfaces whose generating units are not bounded entirely by straight edges. 

Koch and Fischer’s C(+–Y) can be generated by a pair of nonagons each with three 
straight edges. This corresponds to 1/8 
of a unit cell and is illustrated, along with 
the unit cell. Below: for +–Y, two 
nonagons are linked by a tunnel.

1/8 unit cell of a minimal balance surface 
with the same symmetry as P and C(P)
The patch shown has the same topology 
of Costa’s (non-periodic) minimal surface.

A new non-balanced minimal surface generated by reflections: unit cell, and 
1/8 unit cell containing six fundamental patches. There exists a wide variety of non-balanced TPMS. Their classification remains an unexplored problem.



A non-balanced surface: a unit cell of Schoen’s FRD. Generated by reflections 
in the faces of 1/8 of the unit cell, 
which contains a patch with 
tetrahedral symmetry:



A ‘double diamond‘ surface. A pair of 
surface of constant mean curvature 
belonging to the family of surfaces to 
which D (zero mean curvature) belongs. 
The triply periodic structure is generated 
by reflections in the faces of the 
rhombic dodecahedron.


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